System Saturday: The Company HQ

Let's try throwing domain play immediately to the players.

I am adding a Company HQ to my map.

My players will hopefully engage with it. Even if they do not the process is useful for letting me track faction turns and higher narrative level interactions. 

What does this look like:

Company Step

The players decide if they want to move the Company HQ or not.

The Company HQ can move up to 6 miles with one Company Step, but only along roads. 

The Company HQ confers the following benefits:

The HQ always counts as a place of safety to rest and perform the Company Step and level up.

The Carousing action can be taken with the 1d4 die, even when no village or city is at the location of the HQ. In addition, if there is a village or city, you can take out your Company mates with you to party, choosing to double the amount of gold or silver spent for double the amount of XP while still rolling the same die.

Players can always trade with the Quartermaster at the Company HQ to purchase and sell supplies and basic equipment at the worst trade rates for the region.

The Training and Company Contracts actions can always be taken when the party is at the HQ

When the Company HQ moves, the party can follow, or not. As they see fit.

What does this incentivize my players to do? Will they defend the Company HQ to all comers? Or, more likely go off in the opposite direction of my offered interaction.

They can start interacting with groups, factions, sides, etc. If they want to get political. Even if they do not, simulating the faction side of things becomes easier when I have a constant volatile reminder of a Mercenary Company HQ heating things up with all of the factions.

Do they utilize the benefits of the Company HQ while it is nearby for the day or do they venture far away from the HQ along their own path?

I'm ready to see what this Holy Hand Grenade action is going to cause at my table!

If you enjoyed this I would recommend checking out my system: A Crucible For Silver. It is currently free in its alpha form but I may eventually create a paid-for form of it.


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