Wishes are an extremely powerful and extremely iconic part of RPGs. They have the stigma of being campaign destroying or GM trust ruining. However I think they are awesome, fun, and essential to the OSR and NSR in that they get the players and GM thinking outside of the box and engaging in the fantasy of the game. Wishes, in a way, are a distillation to the essence of role playing. What is role playing besides a communal wishing to bring into existence a world that exists in the minds of the players? The earlier you can bring wishes into your game the earlier your players start trying to exploit the game in weird, emergent, and fun ways you could never have foreseen. Or maybe they will just use them to wish the enemy they are fighting suddenly has a giant tree burst out of their stomach, your mileage may vary. Inspired by Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowall and how the Gutter Minder class can start the game with three wishes that last only as "the bracing of the liquor,...
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